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Aside Format
A travel fishing rod and reels are the central ingredients of any travel fishing kit. Some of these handy travel fishing rods are telescopic but…
3 Simple Accessories That Will Enhance Your Fishing Trip
More pieces mean shorter sections that take up less room. In general, the rod action may decrease with more sections but this certainly is better…
How to Use Old Fishing Tackle in 8 New Ways
A travel fishing rod and reels are the central ingredients of any travel fishing kit. Some of these handy travel fishing rods are telescopic but…
A Few Important Freshwater Fish Identification Tips
The basic jig is one of the most versatile baits that a bass angler can have in their arsenal. It can be fished just about…
Traditional Fishing Floats: The Bobber
When packing for your summer vacation, a travel fishing kit will help make sure you have the basic fishing equipment for fun once you reach…
Rigging Fishing Tackle So It’s Ready to Use
When selecting a travel reel, keep in mind that although baitcasters are more compact, spinning reels are more versatile and forgiving if casting a…
How to Pack a Travel Fishing Kit for Your Vacation
When packing for your summer vacation, a travel fishing kit will help make sure you have the basic fishing equipment for fun once you reach…
Bass Fishing 101: Choosing The Right Jig
An important part of fishing is just knowing what types of freshwater fish you caught. Fish identification can be tricky depending on where you are…
Video Format
An important part of fishing is just knowing what types of freshwater fish you caught. Fish identification can be tricky depending on where you are…
Audio Format
The basic jig is one of the most versatile baits that a bass angler can have in their arsenal. It can be fished just about…